Product Designer Series: Media Composer® and Artist Color

Product Designer Series: Media Composer® and Artist Color

Correcting color can have you seeing red—literally—when working with a keyboard and mouse alone. With Artist Color, you get the precision and hands-on control you need to fix and enhance color to perfection. And you can keep your eyes on the picture instead of monitoring the interface. Get an in-depth walkthrough of the surface in…

What’s new with Media Composer 6 (2 hours!)
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What’s new with Media Composer 6 (2 hours!)

Corey Tedrow, Product Specialist at Avid, reviews what’s new with Media Composer 6, a fast and versatile solution for professional video editing with a 64-bit app for better performance and speed, Open I/O to facilitate 3rd party hardware, easy integration into any ProRes workflow, the ability to instantly access, screen and edit AVCHD clips and…