
Category: Symphony

Media Composer

Master the Utility Effects in Avid Media Composer with Sapphire Builder

Developed with Media Composer editors in mind, Sapphire Builder helps editors create custom effects and transitions quickly and easily, and is fully integrated within the Media Composer workflow. The result? The potential to build endless, professional looks for increased production value. Damien LeVeck (, an accomplished editor based in Los Angeles, CA will walk you

Media Composer

Auto-Patching in Avid Media Composer

Ever wish your source track automatically patched to the track you are working on? Watch this tutorial to see a quick way to auto-patch your source track to your active timeline track in Avid Media Composer! Software used: Media Composer 8.9.3

Media Composer

Auto-Monitoring in Avid Media Composer

Ever wish your timeline monitor automatically updated to the track you are modifying? Watch this tutorial to see a quick way to auto-monitor your active timeline track in Avid Media Composer! Software used: Media Composer 8.9.3

Media Composer

Import Graphics for Broadcast in Avid Media Composer

This tutorial will go over how to properly import graphics for broadcast. I will explain each import option in Avid Media Composer to ensure that when you import you will meet proper legal broadcast standards. Software used: Media Composer 8.5.1

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Chroma Keying Part 2 – SpectraMatte

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe continues the discussion on Chroma Keying by talking about the other included effect inside of Media Composer, and that’s SpectraMatte. SpectraMatte takes your keying to the next level by adding addition features to your toolkit like more in-depth Chroma and Luma controls, Spill Reduction parameters and even geometric adjustments

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – FrameFlex & Larger than HD Image Sequences

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a viewer question about working creating Pan & Zooms with image sequences that are larger than the current raster dimension he is editing with. In this lesson, we talk about linking to DPX image sequences, and how to manipulate them, by working with the FrameFlex Parameter! Channel:

Media Composer

Sapphire 11 – Getting Started – Avid – Part 3

One of the common tasks editors need to do is blur out faces. See how Boris FX trainer Mary Poplin uses Mocha in Sapphire 11 to accomplish this task. This video is the second in a three part series about the amazing tasks you can do with Mocha in Sapphire.

Media Composer

Sapphire 11 – Getting Started – Avid – Part 1

Note: This video shows Sapphire 11 with host Avid Media Composer. In this tutorial, Boris FX trainer extraordinaire, Mary Poplin, explains how to use Mocha to create advanced masks and rotoscoping effects right inside Sapphire 11. See motion tracking with Mocha, and Glint and Glow effects at work! This video is the first in a

Media Composer

Continuum 11: Intro for Avid

New! Continuum 11 is now available for Avid! Get an overview of what’s new for Avid editors, including Primatte Studio for keying & compositing, a new 360/VR Unit for editing tasks, Broadcast Safe, Title Studio enhancements & new presets, and more. Learn more about Continuum 11:…

Media Composer

Continuum 11: VR Unit for Avid Media Composer

New in Boris Continuum 11 is the VR Unit. 5 new filters, optimized for 360 video editing and finishing tasks inside of Avid Media Composer. The VR Unit includes: VR Blur, VR Sharpen, VR Reorient, VR Insert and VR Flicker Fixer. These new filters support mono & stereoscopic 360 formats such as top/bottom. For more