Importing Alpha Channels In AVID
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Send beer recommendations to avidbeer@gmail.com Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Make a template sequence in AVID so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Fastest way to color correct any video including zoom videos. This tutorial uses the Avid Symphony plugin/option. This option is not available in Media Composer. Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
A lot of zoom recorded audio sounds like an echo-y, tinny, terrible mess. Here is a super quick way to fix it! Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Download this link to get an Avid Bin with a sound effect and a title and a sequence to use over any cut. Note this will only work if you have the old Title Tool = Not on macOS Catalina or newer https://drive.google.com/file/d/19SebMvq-NyZZOIbbvF42RdhA5A40uHQi/view Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Let’s go over the Set Bin Display Tool in AVID. A lifesaver to find offline media from old projects. Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Let’s go over a pretty cool swish pan effect using only AVID effects. Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com Use Control+A, and Control+Shift+A to toggle tracks
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