Great FluidMorph Effects FreeDownload!
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink morebeer! http://avidbeer.com Download a bin from this link for three FluidMorph effectshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ALdx…
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink morebeer! http://avidbeer.com Download a bin from this link for three FluidMorph effectshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ALdx…
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink morebeer! http://avidbeer.com
Fluid Morph is a pretty cool feature. It allows you to smooth out Jump Cuts in an interview setting. This is not a perfect solution, nor does it work all the time. But, in the right setting, it does alright. 1:20 – Jump right into it. Fluid Morph
Learn how to fix jump cuts using the Fluid Morph effect within Avid Media Composer.
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