3D Warp Tool in AVID – Part-1
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Join us live for the Avid Online Learning session — Media Composer: Create an animated split screen using Picture in Picture. Check out our calendar to watch this and more live videos onhttps://www.avid.com/online-learning
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about the free Particle Illusion Standalone application that you can use to create unbelievably realistic particle simulations that can be rendered out, and added to your Media Composer timelines. In this lesson we cover everything you know to get you up and running, lightning quick. Channel: www.youtube.com/letseditMC_avid Facebook:
Let’s go over a pretty cool swish pan effect using only AVID effects. Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer! http://avidbeer.com
Answering Viewer Questions to celebrate the first 100 subscribers! This one is about how to do a 3D matte move with a Tif file. Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer by taking the full course: http://avidbeer.com Email your viewer questions to avidbeer@gmail.com
I’m going to talk out what I think is unconventional but the best way to do Dips to Black and White Flashes in AVID. Take the full online course at avidbeer.com Twitter — avidbeer
Who needs plug-ins when you have the paint effect? This tutorial will explain how you can re-create a glitch effect to transition from one shot to the next without using any third party plug-ins in Avid Media Composer! Software used: Media Composer 8.8.5 http://redarrowindustries.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RedArrowIndustries/
Avid Media Composer works differently from Adobe Premiere, Hitfilm, Final Cut, and every other NLE. Once you understand the basic concept of Media Composer, you will understand it fully. The secret, the KEY, to understanding Media Composer is…… IT’S EFFECT BASED! That means if you want to transform a clip in Media Composer, YOU MUST
You don’t have to add effects directly on clips in Media Composer, there are many situations where placing an effect ABOVE a clip(s) is helpful or much quicker. In some situations, it is required, especially when you have a composite with many effects already applied directly to clips. This is a technique you must know!
How to automatically open the Effect Editor when placing an effect on a clip in Avid Media Composer. The default way to get to the Effect Editor in Media Composer is to place your effect on a clip, and then manually enter Effect Mode. But, you have the option to have the Effect Editor automatically
This tutorial will explain two ways that you can create a blur transition in Avid Media Composer! Software used: Media Composer 8.5.3 http://redarrowindustries.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RedArrowIndustries/
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