
Category: Media Composer

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – ADVANCED – Transfer Modes

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers one of his most asked questions, “Can you utilize transfer modes inside of Media Composer?” To do this common After Effects task, you will require a third party effect, but if you’re coming from Media Composer 7, chances are you already have the effect you need, you just

Media Composer

Media Composer – PAINT EFFECT (How to Re-Color and Tracking)

In this video we look at how to use the Paint Effect to re-color/colorize/color-correct a portion of a video clip, and how to use motion tracking with the Paint Effect in Avid Media Composer. We are using Avid Media Composer 8.5.1 in this video, but the process will be the same for other versions. First,

Media Composer

Media Composer – A Closer Look At Import Size Settings

In a couple other Media Composer videos we were talking about not needing to scale up things like Muzzle Flashes when we import into Media Composer. In this video I want to show you this in action so you can see the difference in each of the Image Size Settings when you import. While we

Media Composer

Media Composer – Source/Record Monitor ZOOM

In this video we look at how to Zoom In and Out and move an enlarged image in the Source and Record Monitors in Avid Media Composer. Be sure to watch the last video to see how to Zoom when in Effect Mode: (Link here) Zooming in on your footage can be very helpful. It

Media Composer

EVF Tutorial – Rename Project in Avid Media Composer

This tutorial teaches you how to change the name of a project in Avid Media Composer. In this quick lesson we’ll create a project, find the project files on your hard drive then rename the project. BTW, I publish a weekly newsletter called the Video Editor’s Digest. In it you’ll get awesome tips, tricks, resources

Media Composer

Media Composer – ZOOM When In Effects Mode

In this video I’ll show you how to zoom in on the Effects Preview Monitor and how to move the enlarged image around so you can manipulate your effects and trackers more precisely. When using several effects, sometimes you really need to drill down to a certain area of your image to make sure everything

Media Composer

Media Composer – Motion Tracking Tool Tips

In this video I go over some tips you can use when you are using the Tracking Tool in Avid Media Composer. We cover, how to change the color of your trackers. How to add a new tracker after you have already tracked. How to track only the trackers you want. How to zoom in

Media Composer

Media Composer – Blur and Mosaic/Pixelate Effect

In this video we look at how to blur or pixelate portions of a video using the BLUR and MOSAIC Effects in Avid Media Composer. We will go over the controls of each effect (which are the same), how to apply them to a clip, and how to use the tools to get your blur