
Tag: Let’s Edit

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 8 – Transcoding for your workflow

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! In this lesson, we’re wrapping up our media acquisition masterclass by talking about Transcoding for your workflow. Are you doing your offline in Media Composer, and finishing in another application? No problem. Are you doing both your offline and online in Media Composer? Simple. Are you

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 7 – Color Encoding

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! In this lesson, we’re continuing our look at each clips Source Settings by talking about Color Encoding, Media Composer’s fancy way of saying LUT’s. The Color Encoding window is just that. A way to add LUT’s to your footage to convert them from the acquisition color

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 6 – What is FrameFlex?

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! In this lesson, we’re back tracking a little. Up until this point, everything is great, assuming the footage that we’re working with, matches the project size that we created. But what if it doesn’t? In this first, of a three part tutorial arc, we’re going to

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 5 – Consolidate/Transcode

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! We’re taking a little side-step in this lesson, as we were originally going to talk about settings, but after a question was asked in the previous lesson about why you shouldn’t edit with Linked material, I thought we should cover THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON YOU’LL WATCH

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 2 – Project Creation

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! In this lesson, we’re talking Project Selection and Creation. Most current Media Composer editors just fly through this screen when creating a project. Did you know you can find out all about the version you’re working on here? Also, we discuss project locations and what is

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 1 – Before You Edit

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this video! WE’RE BACK!!!! In this introductory lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about import things to consider, before you start your edit! Whether you’re working with RED footage, or BRAW, or don’t know where you should put your project, or how media works in Media Composer, this lesson

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 13 – Bin View Modes

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about the Bin Modes. Whether you’re working in Text View Mode, Frame View Mode or Script View mode, there are so many options to organize yourself, you can get a little lost if you don’t know what you’re looking for. In this lesson, we’ll look at all three

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Continuum 2021

Boris FX’s Continuum is a staple of my workflows, and each year the team gives it some much needed love in the form of updates with bug fixes and new effects, and this year is no different. HOWEVER, what IS different this year is that Boris FX has purchased the Digital Film Tools suite of

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 9 – Exporting

Now, you might be thinking…”Hang on…did I miss a ton of lessons?” No, you didn’t. When I teach Media Composer, I teach the importance of Project Setup, Transcoding and Consolidating and Exporting. This is where projects fall off the rails. Make one mistake in any of these three sections, and your project will be in